About me

Highly accomplished senior product manager & scrum master with over 5 years of diverse experience in product management, project management, product ownership, and business analysis combining a robust foundation in psychology and organizational behavior.

Expertise in CRO, CX, SEO, ML, and AI solutions, coupled with multiple proven knowledge with certifications such as PMP®, PSPO™-I, PSM™-I, PAL™, PSU™, PSFS™, and PSD™.

Motto: Transform complex challenges into streamlined, user-centric solutions that drive progress and innovation.

Psikoloji ve örgütsel davranış alanlarından sağlam bir temele sahip; ürün yönetimi, proje yönetimi, ürün sahipliği ve iş analizi gibi çeşitli alanlarda 5 yıldan fazla deneyime sahip bir ürün yöneticisiyim.

CRO, CX, SEO, ML ve AI çözümlerinde çalıştım. PMP®, PSPO™-I, PSM™-I, PAL™, PSU™, PSFS™ ve PSD™ sertifikalarına sahibim.

What i'm doing

  • design icon

    Product Management

    Product enthusiast with 5+ years of experience in sectors that telco, health, logistics, and proptech.

  • Web development icon

    Data & BI Analysis & SQL

    Have a data-driven mindset with my business intelligence, data analysis, and SQL competencies.

  • mobile app icon


    I love cinema, music, camping, trekking, canoeing and running. I live minimalist and proud of it.

  • camera icon

    Nature Advocacy

    I love cinema, music, camping, trekking, canoeing and running. I live minimalist and proud of it.

Testimonials from Emlakjet

  • Özge Işık

    Özge Işık

    Product Designer

    We were colleagues with Berkay at Emlakjet. Berkay is someone who can touch every aspect of the project that we worked on, who respects every idea and has the ability to quickly come up with the solutions to any issue. One of the best aspects of working with him was being able to trust his ideas easily. Being understanding, having a high sense of empathy, and always being open to growth were some of the factors that made our work easier. Hopefully, our paths will cross again; it was very enjoyable to work with you.

    Ürün Tasarımcısı

    Berkay'la Emlakjet'te iş arkadaşıydık. Berkay, üzerinde çalıştığımız projenin her noktasına dokunabilen, her fikre saygı duyan, her türlü soruna hızlı bir şekilde çözüm üretebilme yeteneğine sahip bir kişidir. Onunla çalışmanın en iyi yönlerinden biri fikirlerine kolayca güvenebilmekti. Anlayışlı olmak, empati duygusunun yüksek olması ve her zaman gelişime açık olmak işimizi kolaylaştıran faktörlerden bazılarıydı. Umarım yollarımız tekrar kesişir, seninle çalışmak çok keyifliydi.

  • Özge Işık

    Cansın Çamoğlu

    HR Specialist

    Working with Berkay has always been very enjoyable and valuable with his communication skills, work and process monitoring, awareness of responsibility and many other features.

    İK Uzmanı

    İletişim yeteneği, iş ve süreç takibi, sorumluluk bilinci ve birçok özelliği ile Berkayla çalışmak her zaman çok keyifli ve değerli olmuştu.

  • Zeki Ünyıldız

    Zeki Ünyıldız

    Software Developer

    During our collaboration on Jetchat for Emlakjet, I had the chance to work closely with Berkay. His clarity in communication and strong understanding of the product were invaluable. He has a knack for addressing challenges efficiently, making him a vital asset to our project. I appreciate his dedication and would be pleased to work alongside him again in the future.

    Yazılım Geliştirici

    Emlakjet için Jetchat üzerinde yaptığımız iş birliği sırasında Berkay ile yakın çalışma fırsatı buldum. İletişimdeki netliği ve ürünü güçlü bir şekilde anlaması çok değerliydi. Zorlukları etkili bir şekilde ele alma becerisine sahip ve bu da onu projemiz için hayati bir varlık haline getiriyor. Adanmışlığını takdir ediyorum ve gelecekte onunla tekrar çalışmaktan memnuniyet duyacağım.

Testimonials from Miuul

  • Tamay Önal

    Pınar Kılıç


    Berkay is passionate about his work. Although there were many challenges in the project we worked on together, he always managed to overcome them. He turned his work into education and shared his experiences with students. Working with him was both enjoyable and very instructive.


    Berkay işine tutkuyla bağlı. Birlikte çalıştığımız projede birçok zorluk olsa da o her zaman bunların üstesinden gelmeyi başardı. Çalışmalarını eğitime dönüştürdü ve deneyimlerini öğrencilerle paylaştı. Onunla çalışmak hem keyifli hem de çok öğreticiydi.

Testimonials from Navlungo

  • Hakan Erdoğan

    Hakan Erdoğan

    CEO @Craftgate

    We worked with Berkay during the Navlungo & Craftgate payment gateway integration process. Berkay is a very proficient, and proactive product guy. We worked with him with great pleasure on matters that require care and diligence, such as payment. I would like to work with him again if possible.

    CEO @Craftgate

    Navlungo & Craftgate ödeme ağ geçidi entegrasyon sürecinde Berkay ile çalıştık. Berkay çok yetenekli ve proaktif bir ürün adamı. Ödeme gibi dikkat ve titizlik gerektiren konularda kendisi ile büyük bir keyifle çalıştık. Mümkün olursa kendisiyle tekrar çalışmak isterim.

  • Zikriye Ürkmez

    Zikriye Ürkmez

    Software Manager

    Berkay has always impressed me with his effective communication skills. His approach to problems and his style of analysis have always been guiding. He is a product owner who always supports his team by taking the initiative. He was always a smiling and kind teammate. Working with him is a great pleasure.

    Yazılım Müdürü

    Berkay etkili iletişim becerisiyle beni her zaman etkilemiştir. Sorunlara yaklaşımı ve analiz tarzı her zaman yol gösterici olmuştur. Her zaman inisiyatif alarak ekibine destek veren bir ürün sahibidir. Her zaman güler yüzlü ve nazik bir takım arkadaşıydı. Onunla çalışmak büyük bir keyif.

  • Ersin Kılıçoğlu

    Ersin Kılıçoğlu

    Art Director

    Berkay is one of the greatest person I’ve ever met in my work life. His working passion and communication skills impressed me so much. If any person will get a chance to work with him, will be lucky.

    Sanat Direktörü

    Berkay iş hayatımda tanıdığım en harika insanlardan biri. Çalışma tutkusu ve iletişim becerisi beni çok etkiledi. Herhangi biri onunla çalışma şansına sahip olursa şanslı olacaktır.

  • Gül Pınar Avşar

    Gül Pınar Avşar

    Digital Marketing Specialist

    Berkay is a real generalist with broad knowledge of various disciplines and a deep willingness to learn more. Each new project or challenge with him is much easier to handle thanks to his adaptive perspective and brilliant communication skills. I would be thrilled to work with him again in the future!

    Dijital Pazarlama Uzmanı

    Berkay, çeşitli disiplinler hakkında geniş bilgi birikimine ve daha fazlasını öğrenmeye derin bir istekliliğe sahip, gerçek bir uzmandır. Uyarlanabilir bakış açısı ve mükemmel iletişim becerileri sayesinde onunla her yeni projenin veya zorluğun üstesinden gelmek çok daha kolay. Gelecekte onunla tekrar çalışmaktan büyük mutluluk duyarım!

  • Cengiz Cemal Mataracı

    Cengiz Cemal Mataracı

    Software Developer

    Berkay is an incredibly hard worker with his cool work and agility in times of crisis. As a PM, he takes a developer-friendly approach and makes difficult times easier, at the end of the day, both the technology side and the business side are satisfied. I feel very lucky to have worked with him.

    Yazılım Geliştirici

    Berkay, kriz anlarındaki soğukkanlılığı ve çevikliğiyle inanılmaz çalışkan bir insan. Bir PM olarak geliştirici dostu bir yaklaşım benimsiyor ve zor günleri kolaylaştırıyor, sonuçta hem teknoloji tarafı hem de iş tarafı memnun. Onunla çalıştığım için kendimi çok şanslı hissediyorum.

Testimonials from Etiya

  • Tamay Önal

    Tamay Önal

    Team Lead

    Berkay is a sharp innovator, as well as a great friend and a team player and a motivator. We have served together within one of the five largest digital transformation projects in the telco world and observing him achieve results under tough, challenging conditions. I have been impressed by Berkay’s full-hearted, innovative approach to his scope. He has always tried (mostly with good success) new ways of doing things, thinking out of the box, and implementing equally creatively while getting the job done. I would -without hesitation- work with him in the future in possible new opportunities, should our roads cross again.

    Takım Lideri

    Berkay keskin bir yenilikçi olmasının yanı sıra harika bir arkadaş, takım oyuncusu ve motive edicidir. Telekomünikasyon dünyasının en büyük beş dijital dönüşüm projesinden birinde birlikte görev yaptık ve onun zorlu koşullar altında sonuçlara ulaştığını gözlemledik. Berkay'ın konuya yönelik içten ve yenilikçi yaklaşımından etkilendim. Her zaman işleri yapmanın, kalıpların dışında düşünmenin ve işi yaparken aynı derecede yaratıcı bir şekilde uygulamanın yeni yollarını denedi (çoğunlukla iyi bir başarı elde etti). Gelecekte yollarımız tekrar kesişirse, olası yeni fırsatlarda tereddüt etmeden kendisiyle çalışırdım.

Testimonials from Turkish Ministry of Health

  • Uğur Açıkgöz

    Uğur Açıkgöz

    Head of Engineering

    Working together with Berkay was enjoyable and very productive. Thanks to its technical approach to determining business value, business processing, and projecting, we quickly advanced the Turkish Ministry of Health WhatsApp Hotline project, which we worked on during the COVID-19 pandemic closure, and achieved results.

    Mühendislik Direktörü

    Birlikte çalışmak keyifliydiydi ve gayet verimliydi. İş değerinin tespiti, iş süreçlendirme ve projelendirme anlamındaki teknik yaklaşımı sayesinde COVID pandemi kapanması döneminde çalıştığımız Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sağlık Bakanlığı WhatsApp COVID bilgilendirme ve iletişim hattı projesini kolaylıkla ilerlettik ve sonuç elde ettik.

  • Erdal Yıldız

    Erdal Yıldız

    Security Consultant

    When I first met, when I looked at his LinkedIn profile, what surprised me the most was that his undergraduate education was in psychology. The secret of the success of Berkay, who worked as key personnel on the technical side in very important information-based projects that ensured the communication of the Turkish Ministry of Health with the citizens, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic period, was probably the gains in undergraduate education. Berkay, who is equipped to surpass many engineers I know in the field of informatics, was able to easily overcome the most difficult doors with his communication and positive energy. His departure may be a great loss for us, but when I think about what he can do in his new career, I can't help thinking that maybe it's better for our industry and our country. Thank you very much Berkay for your contribution. Good luck.

    Güvenlik Danışmanı

    İlk tanıştığımızda LinkedIn profiline baktığımda beni en çok şaşırtan lisans eğitiminin psikoloji olması olmuştu. Sağlık Bakanlığımızın özellikle Covid 19 pandemi döneminde vatandaşlarla iletişimini sağlayan çok önemli bilişim temelli projelerde, teknik tarafta anahtar personel olarak çalışan Berkay'ın başarısının sırrı da muhtemelen lisans eğitimindeki kazanımlardı. Bilişim alanında da, tanıdığım pekçok mühendisi kat kat aşacak donanıma sahip olan Berkay, rahatlıkla kurduğu iletişim ve pozitif enerjisi ile en zor kapıları kolaylıkla aşabiliyordu. Kendisinin aramızdan ayrılması belki bizim için önemli bir kayıp ama yeni kariyerinde yapabileceklerini düşününce, belki de sektörümüz ve ülkemiz için daha iyi oldu diye düşünmekten de kendimi alamıyorum. Katkıların için çok teşekkürler Berkay. Yolun açık olsun.

  • Nusret Semih Çelik

    Nusret Semih Çelik

    Data Scientist

    He is a person who I am happy to work with in the Ministry of Health, has the will to work, has a high desire to learn, and gets what he wants. It completes its work with solution-oriented individual efforts and harmonious teamwork. With his determination to work, he left enough impression on me to be a reference for my team. I do not doubt that I will be successful in his work.

    Veri Bilimci

    Kendisi ile T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığında çalışmaktan mutluluk duyduğum, çalışma azmi olan, öğrenme isteği üst düzey ve tuttuğunu koparan birisidir. Yaptığı işleri çözüm odaklı gerek bireysel çaba göstererek gerek de uyumlu ekip çalışması ile tamamlar. Çalışma azmi ile bende kendi ekibime almak için referans olacak kadar izlenim bırakmıştır. Çalıştığı işlerde başarılı olacağımdan hiç şüphem yok.

  • Faruk Sarı

    Faruk Sarı

    Software Manager

    During the time we worked together at the Ministry of Health, I enjoyed spending time together with his curiosity, interest, broad perspective, and solution-oriented working approach. His constructive attitude in joint projects and his efforts to move the project forward with his suggestions have always contributed to our motivation. I can say that chatting and sharing topics such as social life and hobbies outside of work also allows colorful dialogues.

    Yazılım Müdürü

    Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sağlık Bakanlığında beraber çalıştığımız süre içerisinde merakı, ilgisi, geniş bakış açısın ve çözüm odaklı çalışma anlayışıyla mesai beraber mesai harcamaktan son derece keyif aldım. Ortak projelerde yapıcı tutumu ve önerileriyle projeyi ileri taşımak adına verdiği çaba her zaman için motivasyonumuza katkı sağladı. İş haricinde ki sosyal yaşam, hobiler gibi konularda da sohbet ve paylaşımları da ayrıca renkli diyaloglara imkan veriyor diyebilirim.

  • Doğa Bekaroğlu

    Doğa Bekaroğlu

    Team Lead

    During the time I had the opportunity to work with him as a product owner on the project we developed for the General Directorate of Health Promotion; He is one of the most suitable candidates to work for, due to his command of the project and its components, the importance it gives to its details, and its contributions to the progress of the product. In addition, since his undergraduate education is in psychology, his communication with people, the subjects he has developed on software and coding, his technical knowledge and equipment, the synthesis of these components, and the ability to look at events from both sides in analysis and product development stand out in such matters. I would like to thank him again for his hard work during our work.

    Takım Lideri

    Sağlığın Geliştirilmesi Genel Müdürlüğüne geliştirdiğimiz projede kendisiyle ürün sorumlusu olarak çalışma fırsatını yakaladığım süre zarfında; projeye ve bileşenlerine hakimiyeti, ayrıntılarına verdiği önem ve ürünün ilerlemesinde vermiş olduğu katkılardan dolayı çalışılabilecek en uygun adaylardan biridir. Bunların yanında lisans eğitiminin psikoloji üzerine olması sebebiyle insanlar ile iletişimi, yazılım ve kodlama üzerinde kendini geliştirmiş olduğu konular ile teknik bilgi ve donanımı, bu bileşenlerin sentezi ile analiz ve ürün geliştiriminde olaylara iki taraflı bakabilme yeteneği kendisini bu tür konularda öne çıkarmaktadır. Çalıştığımız süre zarfındaki emeklerinden dolayı kendisine tekrardan teşekkürlerimi iletirim.

Let Me Help You!


  1. Senior Product Manager & Scrum Master @Emlakjet

    2022 — Present

    Emlakjet is a property technology platform based in Türkiye, designed to facilitate the buying, selling, and renting of properties by providing listings for apartments, houses, commercial properties, and land. It serves as a digital marketplace where real estate agents, developers, and individual property owners can list their properties, and potential buyers or renters can browse through these listings to find a property that matches their needs.

    - Took a catalyst role within the scope of overall Agile transformation and acted as a scrum master.
    - Led data-driven product development decisions.
    - Contributed CRO, ASO, SEO, and R&D strategies.
    - Led R&D application documentation, analysis, development, referee interviews, and bureaucratic negotiations.
    - Spearheaded studies on ML, NLP, and generative AI implementations in the proptech domain.
    - Administered solutions for the automation of the lead management & transfer processes.
    - Arranged structured training explaining emlakjet.com's product mindset to all fresh colleagues in the onboarding.
    - Chaired solutions to prevent proptech abuse and fraud activities for B2B & B2C users.
    - Coordinated product development process for Jettaşın (by Octovan) that digitizes the moving process from end to end.
    - Involved with all phases of software development life cycle (SDLC) from 0 to 100.

  2. Consultant @Superpeer

    2022 — Present

    Provided services in the following scopes:

    - CV Review and Career Consultancy
    - Stress Management
    - Time management
    - Data Analysis and Reporting
    - Product Management
    - Brand Management
    - Scrum Certificate Preparation

  3. Individual Contributor @Global Cyber Security Network | GCSN

    2024 — Present

    The Global Cyber Security Network is the online directory website for the cyber security ecosystem. Find cyber security companies, software, tools, platforms, jobs, events, courses, recourses and so much more.

    - My contributions: https://globalcybersecuritynetwork.com/author/berkay

  4. Member @Project Management Institute

    2024 — Present

    - My PMI community profile: https://community.pmi.org/profile/berkay

  5. Individual Contributor @Miuul

    2023 — 2024

    Generated online education programs within the product management scope.

    - Focused on these areas: Data-informed product development, Scrum product ownership, user experience, product metrics, product ownership carrier pathway, and AI solutions for product ownership.
    - Uçtan Uca Product Ownership: https://miuul.com/uctan-uca-product-ownership

  6. Product Owner @Navlungo

    2021 — 2022

    Navlungo is a digital logistics platform designed to simplify the process of international shipping for businesses. It aims to connect companies with freight forwarding services, enabling them to book and manage shipments more efficiently. The platform typically offers features such as instant quotes, booking, shipment tracking, and document management, all accessible online.

    - In the four main domains under my responsibility which are freight, payment, legal, and data; Navlungo reached more than 70,000 customers, 1,000,000 transactions, 3 service area continents, and 230 countries and increased overall sales volume by more than 150%.
    - Designed and implemented the KPI reporting platform on AWS QuickSight in order to become a data-oriented company. All data from sales, operations, marketing, and product is aggregated and made transparent to the entire business.
    - Directed development process of a fully-featured new product for ship & shop from Turkey to worldwide 'deliver.ist' in 3 months from ideation to production.

  7. Senior Specialist, Business Analysis @Etiya

    2021 — 2021

    Etiya is a global software company known for its customer-centric solutions. Specializing in telecommunications, digital service providers, and energy sectors, Etiya offers innovative software products and services. The company focuses on developing and implementing solutions that provide competitive advantage to its customers in their digital transformation journeys.

    For CRM transformation project developed for biggest telco company of MENA, Ooredoo;
    - Made technical & non technical HLD & LLD analysis (with Jira & Confluence).
    - Created UAT scenarios.
    - Led UX research & design.

  8. Business Analyst & Product Owner @Turkish Ministry of Health

    2019 — 2021

    - UX researched & designed (with Balsamiq & Figma) with bureaucrats, communication center managers, technical leads, and healthcare professionals.
    - Led the technical call center architecture & UML diagrams of the ALO184 SABİM which aims to strengthen communication between patients and healthcare professionals and it has approximately 6,000,000 users per year.
    - Crafted all of the user cases and scenarios of the Meeting Point Web Application which aims to strengthen relationships between healthcare professionals and high-level managers and it has approximately 100,000 users per year.
    - Created user requirements about health communication of Turkcell BiP Ministry of Health COVID-19 Information & 24/7 Hotline which aims to strengthen communication between patients and healthcare professionals and it was (currently deactivate) approximately 20,000 users per year.
    - Designed all of the user cases & UML diagrams about health communication of the Turkish Ministry of Health WhatsApp Hotline which aims to strengthen communication between patients and healthcare professionals and it was (currently deactivate) approximately 10,000 users per year.
    - Led technical & non-technical analysis (with JIRA & TFS & Confluence).
    - Created business intelligence reports (with Microsoft Power BI & Turboard SINA & MSSQL Server & PostgreSQL & PL/SQL).
    - Collected user requirements (online/offline).
    - Organized business & technical logics of the Health Survey Web Application which aims to collect data from patients and healthcare professionals and it has approximately 40,000 users per year.

  9. Business Development Specialist @OZEM Academy

    2017 — 2019

    - Conducted growth strategies that x2 the number of employees and x3 the profitability.
    - Educated more than 50 institutions such as MEV College and National Education Directorate.
    - Created an internal communication structure.
    - Researched human-machine interface methods.
    - Designed experimental psychology pathways for the academy with healthcare professionals.

  10. Project Assistant @Hacettepe University Scientific Research Unit

    2015 — 2017

    Worked as an assistant on these academic projects & product developments:

    - Game Type Computer Aided Cognitive Exercise Program (OBEP) Development Study for Alzheimer Type Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment (with Ankara University Faculty of Medicine).
    - Investigation of Artwork Analysis Process in Individuals Related to Art at Different Levels by Eye Tracking Technique (with Hacettepe University Faculty of Fine Arts).
    - Different Sources, Different Trajectories: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study of Academic Achievement as a Function of Adolescent's Class and Family Characteristics (with Bilkent University Faculty of Education).

  11. Radio Programmer @87.7 Radio Hacettepe

    2013 — 2015

    - Wrote the scrips of the programs in 87.7 Radyo Hacettepe.
    - Conducted studies to improve sound recording systems and sound waves.
    - Organized some events in cooperation with various institutions such as RedBull, CCI

  1. Hacettepe University


    Data Engineering MSc

    GPA: n/a | Transcript

  2. Hacettepe University

    2019 — 2024

    Management and Organizational Behavior MSc

    GPA: 3.86/4.00 (High Honor Student) | Transcript

  3. Anadolu University

    2020 — 2022

    Web Design and Development ASc

    GPA: 3.08/4.00 (Honor Student) | Transcript

  4. Hacettepe University

    2013 — 2017

    Psychology BSc

    GPA: 3.55/4.00 (High Honor Student) | Transcript

  5. Hacettepe University

    2015 — 2017

    Sociology Minor

    Drop Out | Transcript

  1. Product Manager @Afetharita (AYA: Açık Yazılım Ağı)

    02.2023 — Present

    Science and Technology

  2. Mentor @Women in Tech Academy (SistersLab)

    10.2022 — Present

    Science and Technology

  3. Volunteer @Türk Kızılay

    01.2013 — Present

    Disaster and Humanitarian Relief

  4. Volunteer @TEMA

    01.2014 — Present


  5. Volunteer @Oy ve Ötesi

    06.2015 — Present


  6. Volunteer @AFAD

    01.2019 — Present

    Disaster and Humanitarian Relief

  7. Volunteer @Vefa Social Support Groups

    04.2020 — 04.2021

    Disaster and Humanitarian Relief

  8. Board Member @Y-Peer Türkiye

    01.2017 — 09.2017


  1. The Social Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic Research Article


    Click Here

  2. Maritime and Sailing Sports from Psychological Perspective Review Article


    Click Here

  1. KPSS


    83.94/100.00 | Result

  2. ALES


    86.88/100.00 | Result



    90.00/100.00 | Result

  4. LYS


    899/725,672 (0.001%) | Result


  • Change Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Product Management
  • Project Management
  • Product Analysis
  • Product Development
  • Product Marketing
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Waterfall Methodologies
  • Data Analysis
  • Business Analysis
  • Software Documentation
  • UX Research
  • Software Quality Assurance
  • Business Intelligence
  • Cybersecurity
  • IT Operations
  • Google Analytics
  • Hotjar
  • SQL
  • MS Power BI
  • AWS QuickSight
  • Jira
  • TFS
  • Asana
  • MS Project
  • Coda
  • Notion
  • Confluence
  • MS Visio
  • Figma
  • Zeplin
  • Balsamiq
  • Linux
  • Looker Studio
  • Firebase
  • Googling
  • Negotation
  • Management
  • communication
  • Networking
  • Leadership
  • Punctuality
  • Multitasking
  • Effectiveness
  • Efficiency
  • Problem Solving
  • Patience
  • Adaptability
  • Collaboration
  • Accountability

